OOAK Moving Sale!

We are finally moving!

To help us with this move, we're opening our studio for one last hurrah!

We will have OOAK skeins available and will be putting a selection of our hand dyed yarn stock on sale too! πŸ₯³πŸ₯³πŸ˜±πŸ˜±πŸ˜±

The Wandering Flock will be open onΒ Friday August 16thΒ fromΒ 3 - 7 PM, and onΒ Saturday August 17thΒ fromΒ 11 AM - 4 PM.

The Wandering Flock annual Flock Along!

How to Participate in #Flockalong24 πŸ€”

πŸ‘‰ make any pattern of your choice
πŸ‘‰ cast on any time & finish your project by October 25th
πŸ‘‰ at least half of the project uses The Wandering Flock yarn
πŸ‘‰ tag us in 3 Instagram posts with the hashtag #flockalong24 and @thewanderingflock:
1 cast-on photo

1 work-in-progress photo

1 finished object photo
*your profile must be public in order for us to see these photos

πŸ‘‰ when you have a finished object photo, also use the category hashtag #flockalong24garment, #flockalong24Laccessory, or #flockalong24Saccessory to qualify for a prize in one of three categories! You should only tag each project with one of the categories

Join Geraldine on instagram live July 17th 12pm ET for more info for our Flock Along!

How do you determine what category your project belongs to? Read on about categories and prizes!

Flock Along Prizes

#Flockalong24 Categories & Prizes

🌟 #flockalong24garment category 🌟

for garments, i.e. projects using roughly 5+ skeins of yarn

prize: $200 USD gift card to The Wandering Flock!

🌟 #flockalong24Laccessory category 🌟

for large accessories, i.e. shawls, scarves, or projects using 3-4 skeins of yarn

prize: $120 USD gift card to The Wandering Flock!

🌟 #flockalong24Saccessory category 🌟

for small accessories, i.e., socks, hats, cowls, or projects using 1-2 skeins of yarn

prize: $80 USD gift card to The Wandering Flock!

🌟special prize for most projects completed during #flockalong24🌟
2 skeins of Candied Peaches in Fingering Merino
2 skeins of Unicorns & Rainbows in Fluff
2 Skeins of Sand in Cotton Lino

Cast on Party July 25th on zoom

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